14 May 2009

Hi Students...
I would like you to give careful thought to the following questions and answer each one using complete sentences. No "instant messaging" spelling and grammar are allowed. Make sure to punctuate and capitalize correctly as well. Answer the questions below (one paragraph minimum...5 sentences each.) There are no right or wrong answers but you will be graded on meeting the requirements listed. When you are done answering, click "Publish Your Post"

1. When someone says "technology" what do you think of? Why?
2. What is your favorite technology "toy"? How do you use this technology?
3. How does technology help you now and how do you think it will help you in the future?
4. Do you think that technology changes too fast or at just the right pace?
5. Is it easy for you to keep up with technology changes or difficult? Explain?

1 comment:

Daniel Bonello said...

1.When someone says technology I instantly think of the computer and internet because I use it so often and many other people use the internet as well.

2.I learned that we have created the web and when we look up things and put pictures and information on the internet, we are “teaching” it.

3.Technology has changed how I learn by keeping me up-to-date on current events. It has helped me with schoolwork, especially math, and it has even helped me to learn more about my friends.

4.I use the computer, television, phone, and radio. I use 1 for school and I use all of them for fun. I use the computer for school but I also use it for fun like going on facebook because I love talking with my friends. I never use the radio for school but I do use it for fun like listening to music. I like listening to modern hits the most. I use the phone for fun like texting my friends, taking pictures, and talking with my friends. I use the television for fun. I love American Idol! I also enjoy Ugly Betty because it’s stupid really, but it is really funny. I also enjoy watching scary shows and movies.

5.It is easy for me to keep up with technology changes because number one: I am always expecting technology changes so I’m not extremely surprised by the new technology. And number 2: I honestly think that because I am younger I am use to all the technology we have nowadays so it is really easy for me to keep up. And number three: I also think it is easier for me to keep up with technology because I am constantly using modern technology.