10 September 2009

How the Web is Using US? Or is it?

Please watch the movie "The Web is US_ing Us" and then answer the questions below. Please use complete sentences, correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Remember, your answers will be published for others to read. Please give this thought.

1. Did you like the movie? Why or Why not? Explain your reasons in detail.

2. What did you learn from this movie?

3. How has technology changed how you learn? Has it? Explain in detail. Give examples.

4. Tell me all the different technology tools you use on a regular basis. How many of them do you use for school purposes and how many do you use for fun? Which ones for which purpose?

5. Do you agree that the Web is Us_ing Us? Why or why not? Explain your reasons. Do you agree that we are the Web? Explain.