06 November 2008

Three Technology Movies

Watch the movies and answer the questions. Each answer must be a minimum of ten complete sentences or two full paragraphs. Do not use instant messaging type spelling. Do use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Give this thought. You may certainly write more than ten sentences.

1. Using the World Wide Web has changed a lot in the past few years. How has using the web changed your life? Has it been for the better or worse? Explain your answer and give details to support your statement.

2. The second movie is about organizing information. Tell me how you organize information in your life. How can being more organized impact your life? Will it make it better? How so? Will it not help? Why not? Explain your answer and give details to support your statement.

3. In the last movie, students were brutally honest about what they do with their time and what they are learning. Be completely honest and tell me what you do with your time after school. how much time do you spend watching TV, talking on your cell phone, chatting online with friends, etc. Additionally, tell me what you are learning here at school...are you learning? Is learning important to you? Why? Or, if not, then why not? What would you like to learn here at HWMS? Think about your answers before writing them. Explain your answers and give details to support your statements.


Anonymous said...

1. The web has changed my life alot. It makes it easier to find information and alot faster. You can't always be sure the information is accurite though. Anyone can post anything on the web; so you really have to whatch what you belive.

2. If the information in my life was more organized my life would be easier. It would be so much faster to find things. Its kinda like instead of trying on a shirt and not likinging it not to just throw it on the floor. That will make it harder to find when you need it again. Insead you put it back into a nice orgainzed closet.

3. After school I usually spend a couple hours hanging out with my friends. As soon as I get home I'll get right online and talk to the guys on my bus. Then sometimes i will whatch T.V. from a half an hour or so. Then the rest of the night I will talk on the phone; or have a friend come over, or go to a friends house. Then around 10 sometimes I decide to do my homework. While I'm at school while the teachers are talking half the time I'm thinking about something else or writing a note to one of my friends. I try not to zone out very much because learning is important to me. Its important because it is the begining to my fucture.

Anonymous said...

1. Using the World wide web has changed a lot in the past few years. This has changed my life in a better way because i can find information faster and i czn comunicate with my friends with out having to speak to them or go meet them.

2. I organize my imformation by keeping my class work neat and in the right place. Being more organized can impact your life because it will help you by not losing any work or forgetting any assiments, therefore it will make your life much better and more easy, it will make your life better because in the long run you probaly with have better grades and you will always stay organized.

3. After school I probaly watch about one hour on the t.v a night unless there is a movie on, and i personaly dont think there is anything wrong with that. I spend about one to two hours on the computer through out the day, but om not always on the computer talking to my friends, somtimes i will watch movies or play games. I dont have a cell phone do i cant text or call anyone unless i use my house phone which i rarley do. At school i am learning how to stay more focuse and consantrate on my school work better. Learning is extreamly important to me because if you didnt learn anything you wouldnt get into a good collage and you wouldnt have a good job, so no money. I honeslty dont know what i would want to learn at HWMS, i come to school to learn, thats the teachers job to teach us.

Anonymous said...

1) It has changed my life because of the social network. I love to talk to my friends and also search for stuff at the same time. I was made my life better because while im alone at my house i would like to talk to my friends over the internet. I think i was one of the greatest inventions ever and i love useing it.
2) I organize information in my life by storing it on the internet. I usually dont use things like planners and folders, i use the internet to store all my information. Organizing was helped my in my life by keeping my orgainzed and able to get what i need to look at in just a couple sec. just because of the internet. I would also say that if a person that doesn't have thee internet that they should get it just because of all the abilitys and uses it has. This was the only reason i got it.
3) In my free time after school i usually go on the internet, text, call people and watch T.V. I usually spend 1 hour watching T.V, 2 hours on my cell phone, 4 hours chatting online with friends. I don't think i learn much at school the mane reason i come to school is to talk to my friends i don't think i learn much couse i end up learning what they are teching me on the internet. I dont think learning is important to me because i already know i'm going to know what there saying. I think that most of the things people teach me at school is all common sense. The only thing that i would really like to learn at HWMS is how to do computor stuff and so far they have teached me how to use the internet how to program things and better jet how to use the internet.

Anonymous said...

1. Using the web has changed my life. I use technology everytime I have to do a reasearch projet. It has definitaly been for the better. I we didn't have technology then everytime I needed to do research I would have to go to look in a book or encyclopedia.

2.I am honestly not sure how I organize my life. I do know that by being organized you will be less likely to lose stuff. Being organized is very important in school. IF you are not organized you are more likely to forget a paper is due or lose your home work.

3. I do spend maybe half an hour watching tv after school. I do not have a cell phone but some nights I will spend half an hour to an hour on the phone. During sport seasons I really don't have very much time with homework,so I usually don't watch any tv or talk on the phone unless it is for homework. My parents limit my internet time during the week. to keep advacing in technology and in order to do that everyone needs to be educated. Learining is very important, I personally believe that learning is the key to sucess and really want to be sucess.There is nothing specific I want to learn about a HWMS, but I want to learn erything that I am taught.

Anonymous said...

1. The World Wide Web has changed my life for better and for worse. It makes research a lot easier and I really like emailing more than snail mail. It changed my life for worse because after all these lectures about online predators, I'm uncomfortable being on the internet, or at least certain websites.

2. I organize my information in a planner or usually in handwritten note form. Sometimes I use the calendar on my cell phone but not always. Being organized takes a lot of stress out of your life, but in my opinion, I don't feel safe organizing information on the internet, because you really never know who's going to read it. Being more organized will help you write better papers and do better in school because you'll know how and where all the information should be.

3. After school, I spend about 4 hours playing my violin and playing the piano, I spend maybe 45 minutes on my email, I like to text or talk on the phone so I probably spend about an hour or so each day talking on the phone or texting, I spend an hour playing soccer or volleyball or some form of exercise, I really don't spend all that much time on the computer or watching TV. I spend more time on the computer when I have a project to research or type a report. I am learning a lot about how the internet has impacted our lives as humans. I am also learning a lot about our American history, like new inventions at different times in the world. Learning is extremely important to me! Learning new things is what makes a person become successful. I love to read, research, and discover new things that I've never heard of or seen before. I'm not entirely sure about a certain something that I want to learn at HWMS during my last year here. Anything I'm taught will be interesting! I really enjoy being at school, because it's a place where I can learn, discover, and be sure that I'm on the path to success!

Anonymous said...

Technology was around when I was born, the major difference for me was getting a cell phone and being able to talk to friends anytime, anywhere. For me technology has always allowed my life to be easyier. Having a cell phone allows me to quickly ask a friend what our homework was or what the test tommorow is about. So in my mind technology has made life much better.

I organize my school information in the planar the school gave me. Being organized allows you to know when you have turn something in or what your homework was in case you forgot. I believe being organized has made my life better than being not organized. If I wasn't organized then I might not be able to study for a test or complete all my homework questions, because I forgot what they were. I believe that being organized will never hurt you or make things worse in anyway. I just don't see why knowing what you need to do would not make anything better.

After school I normaly get my homework done right away. Then I go and watch tv or get on the computer, unless a friend comes over then we go outside... most of the time. While I am watching tv or playing on the computer im also texting on my cell phone alot. At school I am learing about making movies,desgining clothes, 10 grade geometery, what atoms are and how they are "built". I'm also learing about America's history and 8th grade ELA. Learing is imoportant to me I don't want to be stupid when I grow up and not be able to do simple math or write a paper etc... I would like to learn at HWMS anything that I need know to live in the world. I want to be able to live in the always changing world.

Anonymous said...

1. The web has changed my life for the better. It helps me get information easier so I have an easier time with my school assignments. The web also makes it faster and easier to communicate with people. For example, sending an e-mail to someone or an instant message is much faster than sending a letter in an envelope.

2. In my life I organize things by putting them in groups and putting them in a certain area. I organize papers by putting them on the computer and storing them in a file. If you organize it can make your life better. Things can be found quicker and simpler. For example, if you write a paper and leave it anywhere you may not be able to find it later. If you put it in a folder though, you will know where the paper is.

3. After school I probably spend about 3 hours watching t.v. if you add it all together. The rest of the time I either do homework, go to a sports practice, or get ready for bed. I haven't gone on the internet a lot lately so I don't spend anytime there and I talk on the phone for about 10 minutes. At school I am learning about math, social studies, english, science, choir, and movie making. Learning is important to me because it gives you more knowledge and I like to know a lot of things.Here at HWMS I would like to learn more about space and astronaut things.

Anonymous said...

1) In my life i use the world wide web alot. I use it more for studying, chatting wuth my friends and now I can even usr the internat on my cell phone. I think it is better to use the internet then looking in books because it is a lot faster and you will get a lot more information about the topic you are looking up

2) I organize information in my life using both internet and books. I use the internet to organize day to day things. I use books and jornals to keep track of things, kinda like a diary. I think useing both of these is very helpful in my life.

3) Everday I spend about 8 hours in school. the remaining 14 hours i have at home I spend mostley with tech. I spend about 2 hours every day watching TV, 3 hours on the computer, 2 hours with my ipod, 2 hours on my cell phone, 2 hours with my friends and about 7 hours sleeping. All to gether I have a 26 hour day. At school I dont think all the things we learn is important in my everyday life or my future life. I also feel that for the last 3 years they are just re-teaching everything. I would like to learn something new, something that would help me in the future.

Anonymous said...

Using the internet in my life has change my life.It change my life because that is where we get tons of information.The internet helps me with a lot of the stuff that i do.It is a lot more easier to get information off the internet then the book.

The internet helped my life be better . It helped me get better because it is easier to study.

This can inpact my life because it will be easier to find stuff. It will be easier to find out what is going to happen in your life.organizng my life will make it better.No the orginzing your life will help.

When i get home i go and watch tv for about a half and hour and then i go and play outside with my friends.I also skateboard a little but not a lot.Then i go and eat and go back outside with my friends.Here at school i am learnig.Learning is important to me and i try to do good in school. I want to play sports and get better so i go to a good college.

Anonymous said...

1.)The web changes my life because it lets me explore my resourses and find lots of information. The internet has been better then it was when it probly first came out and its always inproving. Like if I was doing a report on elephents then all I have to do is type in "elephant" in google and I have all the information I need.

2.)I dont have my own website so I organize my papers and things for school in my floders and books. A t home I put all my things in my desk and all my clothes in my closet. If I wasn't oganized I probly wouldent pass all my classes because if I had my english papers with my math papers and my science papers with my social studies papers I would never be able to find my papers and turned them in. I didnt have a computer I would have never got my brothers christmas present in time. So in a way im thankful for the internet and what it can do. The computer is a devise not many people can learn to use but if someone teaches you the correct way it can be a great advantage in many fields.

3.)After school I babysit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. I have chambersingers on Mondays too and I usually have homework every night. I usually get to go on the computer sometime during the day, exspecially because of this class. I watch a little tv and read alot!! School is different and I dont get to watch tv go on the websites I do at home and I dont get to read either. I have gone to HWMS my whole middle scholl life and I have liked it for the most part but I like school because I get to hang with friends. So yeah the computer has changed our lives and if you learn how to use it yourself you can teach others too.

Anonymous said...

1. I think that technology is taking over our lives. We spend so much time on the internet that things like typewriters are becoming outdated. Kids are more intent on getting the new technology instead of apreciating the stuff you have. Using the web is easier but it's more distracting. I think the web has been bad and good for me. It has helped me when I needed to type a report or wanted to find some information. It has also distracted me from my homework. I also use it to talk to friends and play games. But it also promotes anger if it goes slow. It is a good and bad thing.

2. Organizing information is what keeps people on track. It can also be used to find information faster than looking around for it. I put everything in order and organize my stuff. I got a binder so I wouldn't lose my schoolwork. Being organized can show how responsible you are. It also helps you become a more civilized person. You learn that if you organize your stuff, you can stay on track.

Anonymous said...

1) Using the world wide web has changed my life alot in many ways. I think it is helping me with my life so it is for better. It helps me in my life alot.

An example of the web helping me is when i do my homework. It helps me when i do my homework by seaching a subject. Using the web has helped me alot with school and keeping contact with people.

2) I organizing information by puting my school work in the right binder for each subject. It impact my life by getting better grades. Organizing information helps me in school.

Organizing will make my life better. It will help becasue when im looking for a paper i'll find it right away. An example is when i need to turn in my homework and i find it because im organized.

3) After school i spend a couple of hours on the web. I also do my homework, sometimes i use the web to help. I play some games.

I spend about 3 hours watching tv. i also use AIM to talk to my freninds online and keep in touch. I would like to learn how to make movies in this class.

Anonymous said...

Sean Fosshage

Technology has changed alot over the years. In my oppinion it has changed for the worse. It was all started for the right reason but today people use technology for everything. This has forced our country to get lazy. Now because of technology people rely so heavily on it. They don't do anything without technology. Technology plays a big part in our life. Over the years it has progressed so much and everybody relys on it. If there was aever a big technology mess up everybody would be in trouble.

I do not organize my life at all. For example I hold all of my paper for school in my planner. In my oppinion it is a very important thing in life to be organized. Unlike me. I always get a homework assignment put it in my planner and end up losing it before I get home. Organization is so important it is good to have technology. Technology is important for us to organize or information. But the problem is if there were to be a technology letdown we would lose all of our information. Organizing is a very important aspect of life. We muct learn to organize our life better.

I spend most of my time at home just sitting around. I do absolutely noting with my time. On my Friday nights i like to hang out with my friends. At school i learn absolutely nothing important. Half of the stuff I learn I never use it in life. I would like to learn more about history of people that played a big part in the US. I would also like to learn more useful stuff. Like science. I learn nothing useful. I learn stuff like ionic bonds which is completely useless. I never use this in life. I don't look at items and ask myself how much electrons are in something. Half of the stuff we learn at school is completely useless.

Anonymous said...

1. no the web has not changed my life. but it has helped. it helped by when i have a project i can serch information instead of going to the library and takeing out a book. the web has made alot of peoples lives easier but might not have changed them. i guess it has changed it in the sense of i go on the computer more but other than thet it hasnt saved my life or anything super important like that.
2.i orginize things in my life, but diffirent thing are orginized diffirernt ways like, in my locker i put the folders on the bottom but the note book on top on the floders and on the top ledge i put the textbooks. but in my room thing are thrown every where but i have it that way for a reason because theni know where every thing is. in my computer i have folders, documents, and favourites, haveing the internet orginized that way makes serching for information much easier.
3.usually after school i ride the bus home talk to my mom for 30 minutes then go on the computer for 30 minutes. then i watch tv for one hour. i do my homwork for one hour then call my friends and go outdies for 2 hours come homw eat dinner then my sister leaves to go to swimming practice i stay home i dont like to go to her swimming because it is too hot if the arena. wheni stay home i got on the computer for another hour then watch tv till my sister and mom get home. at school i am learing about histry, the election, how too make movies, exponents, i am alos reading a book (the giver).learning is important too me because i love learning new things finding out about rift vallys or how to make movies. theses thing are important to me because i find it so interesting. there isnt much i dont want to learn accept maby some math :)