05 October 2007

7th Grade 2007-2008 (Quarter 1)

1. What have you learned so far in this class?
2. What have you learned about websites?
3. Do you think what you learn in this class will have a long-lasting impact on you? Why? Why not?


Anonymous said...

1. What have you learned so far in this class?
I learned that there are different ways to use a camera, like a "choker". I learned how to use a camera. I learned how to make a script. I learned how to type faster.I also learned to know were all of the keys are at.

2. What have you learned about film-making?
I learned how to use a camera.I learned what most of the different kind of camera shots are.I learned how to make a script. I learned how to make a movie. I also learned that you have to stay away from the door of 5ft when you are making a movie.

3. What have you learned about your topic?
I learned that plants drink water from there roots. They create oxegen. They also store water in the stem. Last they get there water from mositure in the dirt.

4. Do you think what you are learning will have a long-lasting effect on you?
I do not it will have a long lasting affect on me because I will forget everything I have learned.

Anonymous said...

1. What have you learned so far in this class?
What I have learned in this class is filming. I like filming but I did not think it would be this hard of a task. I also learned that it is very important about how you use the computer and what you do on it. And the notice window. It tells us that every thing we do can be seen.

2. What have you learned about film-making?
Film making is a hard task. There is a lot of editing and revising you have to do. There is also a lot of positions in film making like costume designer, art, editor and a lot more. Also that there is a lot of angle shots. And all different names that go with the angle of the filming.

3. What have you learned about your topic?
My topic is AIDS/HIV. I learned that someone dies every 13 seconds from AIDS. Also every 9 seconds someone gets the virus of HIV. Also the one reason people get these is from poor education. The reason that people have poor education is that they cant afford school, or if their parents die from AIDS they have to stay home to help take care of the family.

4. Do you think what you are learning will have a long-lasting effect on you?
I do think that this topic will have an effect on me for a ling time. This is a very sad and serious topic. What I have learned so far has really convinced me to take action. I will defiantly show this to my family and friends. And when I do I hope they take action too. Also I hope every watches our video and wants to help too.

Anonymous said...

Tim Precord

#1.When someone says technology what do you think of?
When somebody says technology I think of computers and video games and DVDs. I also think of science. I think of science because you need science to make technology. Also you need technology for the study of science. I also think of the internet which allows us to communicate using technology.

#2.What is your favorite technology toy? How do you use this technology?
My favorite technology toy is probably a Play Station 2.I like it because you can play a lot of games on it. It is very technologically advanced. It can read disks with information very successfully. It can also connect to the internet.

#3.How does technology help you now and how do you think it will help you in the future?
Technology helps me do many things I otherwise wouldn’t be able to do. It also can give you something to do. I think technology in the future will be even more advanced and allow us to further study the sciences. I also think that technology will be less frustrating in the future. I believe it will be even more important in our lives.

#4.Do you think that technology changes to fast or at the right pace?
I think that technology is progressing at the right pace. Sometimes technology advances too fast and stops working. We sometimes make a new technology that doesn’t work well. I think that we can learn from these mistakes and make a better technology. That is what learning is all about.

#5.Is it easy or difficult for you to keep up with technology? Explain.
I think that I sometimes have an easy time keeping up with technology. Sometimes new technology can frustrate me because I don’t know how it works. Other times I understand technology very quickly. I think that I am better with technology than my sister and my mom. My sister isn’t very great on some technology and my mom well...she avoids technology most of the time. My dad and my older brother are both really good with technology so I would say when it comes to understanding new technology I am somewhere in the middle.