21 February 2007

Tech Lit 7th Grade

What do you know about safety on the Internet? What are some dangers that you might know about using the Internet?


Anonymous said...

I don't know alot. One thing I do know is that parents can block certain websites. I know that you shouldn't give out your full name to unknown people. Never give your address, or state, ciy, ect. Using these rules you would be pretty safe.
I know that some websites can give viruses and wreck your computer. Others have your name out to the world where people wanting to harm you. Some can do both. Places like myspace or IMing to unknown people could cause harm to you. Some places do both. Give your name and address, and give viruses.

Anonymous said...

I believe that safety on the internet is very important. People on the Internet can be dangerous. If they ask questions that are personal, you could be in danger. These people could kidnap you.

Some dangers are that they could kidnap you, or harass you. These are very dangerous. Some people will lie to get you to meet them in person. If this happens, you should put them in a block list and tell an adult. Safety on the internet is extremely important.

Anonymous said...

I don't use the Internet much but for what I hear for my parents and teachers that if you give out any infomation that some one could come and find you.Like on My Space,if you just give your name full name they could track you down.You could think that your talking with a friend but it could turn out to be someone older.If you haven't seen the person in life then you shoudn't be talking to them.
Some other dangers are that is that websites can give viruses that could reck your computer.Even e-mails you should watch out for. if you don't know the email adress them dont open it. It could be a viruse.

Anonymous said...

I don't know alot about internet safety. I know that there are ways to block certain users and websites. Also that you can put up fire walls, but you are not 100% safe on the internet. This is because there are ways to hack through fire walls and things like that. There are also certain pictures and sites that just pop-up out of no where.

Some dangers on the internet invole Perdidtors. They can find out where you live and personal informatoin just by knowing your name and email address, with the right sites they could find out any thing. ALso there are sites that could be to mature that just pop-up on your screen. There are also ways people can send you viruses through email. There are also people that could be much older than you and want to "chat" or swap emails and could turn out to be perveted or very dangerous.

Technology has changed my life in little way, but they make a difference. Such as I can feel a little closer to my sister in Japan. Also I can talk to me freinds who live in different parts of Michigan or the entire U.S. Technology has made life for childern in general a little harder cause they never really know who they are talking to, which puts them at a risk or being hunted by a preditor.

I think that Technology could help me change the world for the better by beig alert about things that you don't usually see on t.v. Also that if we could get a little more advanced in it we could help the hundreds of poor and homeless people around the world. The money that people make from Technology could be used to help the many homeless and poor africans in Western and Southern Africa. We could also rebuild NewOrleans. Also if we were to advance we could find a way to track down these sick, sick people who kidnapp kids and stuff, just by plugging in their screen name to some sort of device.

Anonymous said...

Some things I know about safety on the internet are there are dangerous things and people out there that other people- mostly teenagers might not know, or don't choose to listen. But some thing on the internet are safe. But even if you think they are safe, it might lead you into something dangerous and you probably won't even know it.I think it's best if you quickly close out of the things you think are bad websites, or try to skip around the it. If you can't seem to get away from it, just close out and try another time.

Some dangers I know are people trying to get kids to try and meet them so they can do bad things to them. You put out personal information and easily people know your name, where you live, and what you look like. They know alot of things about you and you don't know who they really are because they have been lieing to you. Some other dangers on the internet are some websites giving you the wrong idea and making you do something you don't want to do. Sometimes it can be even worse.

Technology has

Anonymous said...

Safety on the Internet is very important! When you are on the Internet you need to be careful what you do.You also need to be careful by what web sites I go to. You sould never talk to strangers online. Or never give out personal information to any one on the Internet.

Some of the dangers on the Internet is bad web sites that your not suppose to be on. another danger is online preditors. You never should talk to strangers online.Some other dangers is Vireses on the computer. you can get viresses from bad web sites. the internet may be fun but very dangerous.

Technology has changed my life in many ways. Tecknology gave me more things to do more oppertunities.I love Technology.

Anonymous said...

I know not to trust all web pages and pop ups. If you are on the same site for to long your computer will automaticly download files. You can delete these files in the control panel. You can get many viruses from the internet. You can help protect your computer with a antivirus like Norton. Also there are many scams on the web. You can tell its a scam if the website asks for to much information. For example your name, your phone number, your adress, the city you live in, what state you live in, how old you are, and etc. If the site asks you for all this it is probably a scam and they will probably sell people all that information about you.

Anonymous said...

I already some things about saftey on tyhe Internet like avoiding stalkers who want to get together with kids.I also know you should nevr give your personal information like where you live and how old you are because thats how childeren get taken away with someone they dont know. I try avoiding sites like myspace because you put up how old you are and where you live and pictures of you, information that could get you taken away with some person you dont know and always give false information online.

Some dangers I know of are people want to get together with people they talk to on the Internet and they dont even know them so they get in the persons car and never return home.

Anonymous said...

I know how to be safe on the internet. I know that I don't want to give away too much informnation out on yourself. If you reley have to give information out about your self you could always give out fake information. if your buying something on the internet you wanna that your shure that you know the risks. if your logging on to something look up on the address bar and make shure it's the site you want. You should never click on pop ups the could take information from there.
I know that are always risks and dangers on the interet. There could be pretdors that could possbly take advantge of you. If you give too much information out about yourself they could get it and use it badly. There could be identy theft and take your money. If your a teen you could get hurt or possbly killed.

Technolgy has helped my life a lot. Like by being able to go on the internet because if I don't get home work I can just get help from there. It has changed my life by getting distracted and vering off the path that I wanted to be on. When your bored you can just go on the the internet. It can be reley fun also.

Anonymous said...

I know that saftey on the internet needs more improvement. With all of the users of Myspace underage kids should not be able to have a myspace. You hear all the time about young users that run away or get killed. If there was more safety on the internet this risk would be reduced. Many people now do not have good morals so they hack into databases. Usually any database holds much information and that should not be available to people who hack into different kinds of technology. We should have more security against people like this. There is also many online preadators. With more saftey on the internet there would be less devistated families who have to worry about their kid being kidnapped by online information. With how much crime there is there needs to be much more protection then what is out there right now.

Dangers on the internet may include chat rooms. I do not believe it is very safe to chat with people online about your personal life to someone you do not know. With all of the pop ups that your computer may not always block them. This leaves the risk for a virus to spread or start on your computer. Many people have to now worry about people online who behave inappropriately. The worry that your son or daughter will be mistreated in anyway is now one of the main things parents must worry about for their child. Personally I do not use myspace I think they need to shut the program down it is just to big of a risk. I believe AOL instant messanger is much more protected. You can hand pick the people on your list of people to talk to and create your own chatrooms with the people you want in them. Your can also block people that are being rude to you in any way.

Technology has changed my life in many ways. It is now easier to do research projects and other homework for school. E-mailing people is another thing I love about technology.

Anonymous said...

Safety on the internet is very important because you have to be careful on whose online and who your talking to.There are many good reason on why we use safety on the internet because there might be preditors who you might be talking to you.

You could be talking to someone who's in there late 30's and 40's confusing you into thinking that there your age. Giving out personal information on where you live, your age, and where you go to school

Anonymous said...

I Know that the internet is a very bad place on some sites. You can protect your self by blocking some bad sites. I know that there are bad people out there who are looking for kinds so you have to be very careful. I kwow that the internet is a very good place to do reseach and other great stuff.
So that is what I kwon about stafty on the internet.

Some danger about the internet is that erros come on to the internet wich can basicly distory your computer. There a very bad people out there that want to meet you and they cauld kidnap you. If they get you they will do anything to you they could kill you. There are very bad sites out on the internet that have poorn and other bad thing. Terrorist can do very bad things on the internet That can indanger you.

Technology has changed my life how? Will it has been very goog to reserch on the computer and cars help in the way of going places.
Teachnolgy has changed my life by getting to now stuff a lot faster than sending by people to people. Teachnolgy has made my life better because for example showers they are very nice to have after working out or any time. It has made it harder by example car crashes.

Anonymous said...

Paragraph #1
Here are some of the things i know about safty on the internet. I know that kids sometimes arn't safe about what they do. For intance things they say and do. anouther thing people in general do is give out personal information like where you live, where u go to school at, where u work how old u are, what you look like (ect.). Thoughs are the main ideas i have about the internet.

Paragraph #2
Some dangers of using the internet may include internet fraud, sexual harassment ect.

Anonymous said...

I know many thngs about internet saftey. I know that not all webpages are safe and children and teenagers alike should ask parents for permission before going online. Another tip that is handy to know when searching the internet is to only use sites that end in .gov and .edu because online predators are less likely to be on these sites. Online
pop-up blockers like MacAfee are also helpful when searching the Internet. They can tell you when there is pop-ups and whether or not any emails will be sent to your computer.
There are many dangers facing teenagers today on the internet. Myspace is one threatening site for teenagers. Online predators can easily pick out where you live, what school you attend, and where you live. For example ther is only 2 schools in the country named the Howell Highlanders. I also just recently recived an email from a friend about a girl who was talking to a " 13 year old guy " online. He really was a police officer out of state. Easily he found her and warned her.

Anonymous said...

I know that saftey on the internet is crucial for keeping your own idenity safe. I believe that no one should ever leave information about their name, phone number, or shcool. I know that someone could act like someone their not and ask you to meet them somewhere. I have heard about abductions and that most of them are causes for leaving to much information on the internet and trusting someone they don't know. Those are only some dangers from using the internet improperly.

Some dangers that I know are that you could be abducted. Someone you don't know could steal you and hypnotize you into thinking you will never leave that place. People can also say inaproppriate things to you. They can make you feel uncomfortable at your own home. Those are only some dangers from the internet. Those are the main ones.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that much but I know that some parents can block some bad websites. Also that talking to people that you dont know in a chatroom or with IM can be bad sometimes.You shouldn't trust people you don't know that well with personnal information. If some one asks you for your personnal information that you dont know you should either go away or stop talking to that person. You should stay away from websites that can give your computer viruses.

Some dangers are that web sites can give your computer viruses that can mess up your computer or find personnal information stored on your computer. You should never store like your credit card number, or any other personnal information on your computer.There are some people on the internet that just want to hurt kids or other people. if someone you dont know starts talking to you you and asking for your personnal information stop talking to them.

Anonymous said...

I believe that safety on the internet is very important. People on the Internet can be dangerous. If they ask questions that are personal, you could be in danger. These people could kidnap you. There are also viruses on the computer that can harm it. These can also be dangerous.

Some dangers are that they could kidnap you, or harass you. These are very dangerous. Some people will lie to get you to meet them in person. If this happens, you should put them in a block list and tell an adult. Safety on the internet is extremely important. I know that there are some viruses that can harm your computer. Sometimes, if you have personal information on your computer, the virus could steal it. My computer at home has had a fake virus and my dad had to fix it. It took about a week to put all the information back on there.

Anonymous said...

I think that technology will change the world for better. Like what if you forget your text book at home and you have home work to do you can now go on the coumpter and read it. You can always look up something on the internet if you have questions. the internet is alredy a big place you go when your dealing with bordom. It will chand the world for better and worse, you can be doing something productive or not.

Anonymous said...

Technoligy has changed my life because without it you cant look up on the web and research things for your homework. Technology helps me become smarter and without it I wouldnt be as smart as I am now. If we didnt have cars then we would have you ride around on bikes all the time and couldnt go on vacations. UI also like my cel phone because you can communicate with other people. Technology has changed my life because with out it I would have power in my housde and it would be hard to cook.If you didnt have Technology then you wouldnt be able to live a normal life.

Anonymous said...

"What I know about Internet safety is that most online web. sites (like myspace, and other instet mesiging sites are full of online pereiteres and vieres)"."alwas ask a paret about a web sit to know if its safe". "not all sites have the righet info and it not all TRUE!!". " but sume web. sites do have good info". " that is what I know about Internet safety".

Anonymous said...

I believe that safety on the internet is very important because you would need to be aware of who your tallking and giving your personal information to. Safety on the internet like blocking out inappropriate web sites can help you stay away from any dangers or online preditors.

Some dangers on the interner could be you giving out personal private information on where you live, where you go to school, and how old you are. Someone could be lying and saying that there your age and like everything what you like. Myspace is a threating site for a lot of people especially teenagers. You could be talking to someone who's desperlately in need of a friend who's in there late 30's or 40's and said they were 13years to 18years old. Danger on the internet could be very devasting to people you love and care about.

Anonymous said...

" there are many daners thing on the Inernet here are some I know that are dangers thing about the Internet". 'one of the most dangers are online

Anonymous said...

Paragraph #1
Here are some of the things i know about safty on the internet. I know that kids sometimes arn't safe about what they do. For intance things they say and do. anouther thing people in general do is give out personal information like where you live, where u go to school at, where u work how old u are, what you look like (ect.). Thoughs are the main ideas i have about the internet.

Paragraph #2
Some dangers of using the internet may include internet fraud, sexual harassment ect. for internet fraud you may want to be aware of the people you talk to or the things you order or even the the sites you visit. for instance you may not want to say your credit card # or you passwords. Sexual harasment may lead to some one trying to find you or not leaveing you alone after you have asked them to many times to count. so you may not want to tell some one you dont know to many things or maby telling them your name.

Technology has changed my life in many ways. It is now easier to do research projects and other homework for school. E-mailing people is another thing I love about technology.

Anonymous said...

I know that the internet can be dangerous. There are lots of people on the internet. Never give out information. Never give your name. Never give your number or address either.
the internet is dangerous because you can say your somebody your not. Some of these people are bad. These people could hurt you. These people could do very bad things to you.and myspace is dangerous also.

Anonymous said...

The internet can be a useful tool, but it can also be dangerous. On the internet, some wierd guy who's, like, 40 years old or something can pretend to be just another girl looking for a friend. Sometimes they go after guys, too. These people always try to get you to let your gaurd down and tell them something about yourself. They might try to find out your adress and then come and kidnap you, or maybe try to get you to want to go shopping, or something like that. They could also harass you over the internet, get you to trust them and then, like, send them a racy picture or go on live video with them and talk. They could stalk you online, harass you, send you flirting messages and try to get you to do the same. Eventually, you get, like, so fed up with it that you do what they want. It is very easy to trick people into beliving you are something you are not on the internet. For example, you probably thought i was girl. Nope.