29 November 2007

Tech Movies (Questions) Periods 1 and 2 (Q2)

Watch the movies and answer the questions. Each answer must be a minimum of ten complete sentences or two full paragraphs. do not use instant messaging type spelling. Give this thought. You may certainly write more than ten sentences.

1. Using the World Wide Web has changed a lot in the past few years. How has using the web changed your life? Has it been for the better or worse? Explain your answer and give details to support your statement.

2. The second movie is about organizing information. Tell me how you organize information in your life. How can being more organized impact your life? Will it make it better? How so? Will it not help? Why not? Explain your answer and give details to support your statement.

3. In the last movie, students were brutally honest about what they do with their time and what they are learning. Be completely honest and tell me what you do with your time after school. how much time do you spend watching TV, talking on your cell phone, chatting online with friends, etc. Additionally, tell me what you are learning here at school...are you learning? Is learning important to you? Why? Or, if not, then why not? What would you like to learn here at HWMS? Think about your answers before writing them. Explain your answers and give details to support your statements.

14 November 2007

7th Grade Q_2 Periods 3 and 4

Hi Students...
We have now been in class for a little over a week. I would like you to give careful thought to the following questions and answer each one using complete sentences. No "instant messaging" spelling and grammar are allowed. Make sure to punctuate and capitalize correctly as well. Answer the questions below (one paragraph minimum...5 sentences each.) There are no right or wrong answers but you will be graded on meeting the requirements listed. When you are done answering, click "Publish Post"

1. When someone says "technology" what do you think of? Why?
2. What is your favorite technology "toy"? How do you use this technology?
3. How does technology help you now and how do you think it will help you in the future?
4. Do you think that technology changes too fast or at just the right pace?
5. Is it easy for you to keep up with technology changes or difficult? Explain?

8th Grade Q_2 Periods 1 and 2

Hi Students...
We have now been in class for a little over a week. I would like you to give careful thought to the following questions and answer each one using complete sentences. No "instant messaging" spelling and grammar are allowed. Make sure to punctuate and capitalize correctly as well.
Answer the questions below (one paragraph minimum...5 sentences each.) There are no right or wrong answers but you will be graded on meeting the requirements listed. When you are done answering, click "Publish Post"

1. When someone says "technology" what do you think of? Why?
2. What is your favorite technology "toy"? How do you use this technology?
3. How does technology help you now and how do you think it will help you in the future?
4. Do you think that technology changes too fast or at just the right pace?
5. Is it easy for you to keep up with technology changes or difficult? Explain?

05 October 2007

7th Grade 2007-2008 (Quarter 1)

1. What have you learned so far in this class?
2. What have you learned about websites?
3. Do you think what you learn in this class will have a long-lasting impact on you? Why? Why not?

8th Grade 2007-2008 (Quarter 1)

1. What have you learned so far in this class?

2. What have you learned about film-making?

3. What have you learned about your topic?

4. Do you think what you are learning will have a long-lasting effect on you?

03 May 2007

More 8th grade thoughts...

1. When someone says "technology" what do you think of? Why?
2. What is your favorite technology "toy"? How do you use this technology?
3. How does technology help you now and how do you think it will help you in the future?

28 March 2007

8th Grade Final Reflection

1.What was your favorite part of this class? Why?
2.What was your least favorite part of the class? Why?
3.What did you learn about Microsoft Power Point?
4.What did you learn about your topic?
5.What did you learn about Microsoft Publisher?
6.What did you learn about using a digital video camera?
7.What did you learn about working with a partner or working alone? Would you choose differently next time?
8.What project that you did are you most proud of? Why?
9.Which project could you have done a better job on? Why? What would you do differently to improve that project?

21 February 2007

Tech Lit 7th Grade

What do you know about safety on the Internet? What are some dangers that you might know about using the Internet?